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Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an internationally recognized Canadian graphic artist. His fine art explores painting, print making, ceramics and 3D art works. A wide-ranging portfolio of prestigious clients includes such well known companies as Canada Post, the Royal Canadian Mint, Scotiabank, Perrier, Starbucks Coffee, the Converse, and VISA. Andrew Lewis has had his work included in numerous international collections, including the French National Library, the Permanent Collection of the Library of Congress in Washington D.C., the International Poster Biennial in Mexico City, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. He has also been a guest speaker at various design conferences, poster biennials and universities in Canada, the USA, Central & South America, Europe and Asia. Lewis’ artwork recently has been featured on the 2017 Canada Post, Community Foundation stamps as well as a series of Euro coins from the Republic of San Marino. 


National Library of France, The Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, New York, Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition, The Festival D’Affiches De Chaumont in France, International Biennale of Graphic Design Moscow, Pecsi Galeria (Hungary), Franz Mayer Museum, Sanfransico Museum, La Paz, Bolivia, University of New Brunswick, The National Gallery, Slovenia, Ogaki Poster Museum, Japan, Merrill Berman Collection, New York, Muzeum Pakatu, Warsaw, Poland, The Danish Poster Museum, Denmark, State Museum of Maykovsky., Moscow, University Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, University of South West Missouri, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Peru, Marmara University, Turkey, Instituto Veracruzano de Cultura, Mexico, Galerie a Zul, Mexico, Galerie Metropolitana, Mexico, University Palermo, Argentina, The Lincoln Center, USA.


Art & Design Magazine (China), Applied Arts Magazine (Canada), Studio Magazine (Canada), Boulevard (Canada), Communication Arts (USA), High-Quality Magazine of German Design (Germany), How Magazine (USA), Idea Magazine (Japan), International Design/Shandong Fine Arts (China), Los Angeles Times Newspaper (USA), Ludica Design Magazine (Mexico), MAO MAO Publications (Spain), Modern Advertising (China), Novum Magazine (Germany), New York Times (USA), Package-Design (China), PosterPage (Switzerland), Print (USA), 90+ 10 Magazine (Argentina), Rockport Publishers (USA), TASARIM Magazine (Istanbul), VANGUARDIA Magazine (Ecuador), The National Gallery (Slovenia) and numerous international publications.


Arts Club Theatre, British Columbia Arts Council, BC Arts & Culture Week, BC Museums Association, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Canada Book Day, Canada Post, Cambridge University Press, CIBC, Canoe BrewPub, French Paper Company, Gateway Theatre, The Grand Theatre, Hyatt Regent Hotel, International Opera Company, International Wallcoverings Group, King Edward Hotel, Kona Coffee Festival, London Life Insurance Co., Ms Winnie-Tokyo, Neenah Fine Papers, Orchestra Metropolitan, Perrier of France, Royal Canadian Mint, Roy Thomson Hall, Scotiabank International, Sebastian’s Market, Spinnakers Brewpub, Starbucks Coffee, The Stratford Festival, Stanley Theatre, Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, The University of Western Ontario, UNESCO, Wolftrap Performing Arts Center, Writers’ Trust of Canada, VISA, Zyliss of Switzerland.

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